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Current active series in the Tea Tales Magazine:

O.N.E / Art & Story by Yolin
O.N.E is about a young boy who has the ability to change reality for a short period of time.
He uses his special skills to make the dreams of the people he cares about come true, even though
it's only for a short while. But for how long can he keep this a secret? His carefree life turns
upside down when a stranger appears who also hunts Yu Jie in his dreams.

Kaio / Art & Story by Yeaka
Kaio is a fantasy story involving monsters and heroes and romance.

Minna / Art & Story by Ayumei
Minna is highschool tomboy who lives alone with her mother. Her dad has been deceased for some years
now and she thinks she’s responsible for her somewhat naive mother. It's finally the day she would
get to meet her mother's boyfriend. Unfortunately he turned out to be the owner of the car which she
damaged that afternoon. Add in a blackmail and an unexpected visit to his mansion as a tutor where
she meets even odd people…?

Still page is still under construction, please come again soon!

© Tea Tales 2008/2009 All right reserved. No material may be used or taken without written permission.